Well today marks 41 weeks so baby is officially a week late and still in no hurry to arrive. The last week has been rough on me. I tried really hard the first 40 weeks to handle the pregnancy gracefully, keep the complaining to a minimum, and have a positive attitude. I was amazed at how chill and relaxed I've been for something that I have absolutely no control over. I think Brian paid me the biggest compliment a few weeks ago by saying I was a surprisingly pleasant pregnant wifey ;) 40 weeks + day 1 & 2 were still pretty solid - was just so excited - almost giddy. Well +3 came along and I started to go downhill, and wow - these last 4 days have just been awful. Went from feeling joyous anticipation to get this over with already. My induction wasn't scheduled till the 28th and the thought of another week was so depressing.
Yesterday we had 3 hours worth of doctor appointments. The first was the Biophysical Test which was via ultrasound. It's getting pretty cramped in there! The amniotic fluid levels were normal, but baby gave us a pretty good scare on the rest of the test. He needed an 8 to pass based on movement, breathing etc, and at the 25 minute mark he was at a big fat zero. Luckily he rallied at the end and passed (barely) but was categorized as decreased fetal movement. He wasn't very active during the NST either and the nurse wasn't loving that I've had a headache every day for a week. The nurse was such a sweetheart and could tell that we were just donzo and frustrated. She took pity on us and talked the doctor on call into setting up an induction appointment for today. Wohoo! Went from miserable to one happy camper. Was a busy girl yesterday afternoon wrapping up work projets, packing, and getting the condo ready for baby. We dropped Bella off at my parents for her vacation - grandma even had her special sausages from the butcher waiting for her. Brian took me out for a nice dinner to celebrate our last night of "freedom."
We were told we'd get a call between 5am & 8am with a time slot to come to the hospital. I was so anxious I couldn't sleep and got up early to wait by the phone - never a good idea. Finally called them at 9:30 only to find out that we had been bumped from the list since it was busy and I was non-critical. The tears started flowing and I was one hot mess. Bri guy was wonderful and I finally settled down, but the worst was knowing that this could happen again on Thursday and Friday. Brian had given his Twins ticket away for the afternoon game thinking we'd be at the hospital so that was a bummer. I finally sent him to the bar to meet up with his coworkers after the game thinking a Bodingtons would cheer him up, and wouldn't you know an hour later the hospital called and said they had an opening and to come in right away. Brian rushed home and we jumped in the car and off to the hospital we went.
Soooooo... time to get the party started! We got checked in about 5 and got the overview and a physical. Lucked out and got a really nice room. They ordered me my "last supper" of sketchy ham, soggy veggies, and sweet potatoes (I think) so I forced down as much as I could since I know I'll be starving later. The nurses are sweethearts and the resident and doctor on duty were both great. He took one look at me and guessed 8lbs 4 oz. Eeek! Damn this extra week. Hoping his estimate is on the high side. They got an IV in so getting used to that. The TMI part starts here so boys feel free to stop reading ;) My cervix is still far back and closed, so the plan of attack is to start out with Cervidil to try and ripen it up. They placed it about 2 hours ago and it will stay put for 12 hours total. They'll check progress in the morning and either have to do it again or can move on to Pitocin or breaking my water. The doctor said it's a hurry up and wait game and to be prepared that it could be another 2-3 days till little man shows up, but the good news is they won't send me home without a baby.
They are going to knock me out in a couple minutes so that I actually get some sleep tonight - nothing like a morphine shot to the arse to make me wrap up this post! Brian has been fabulous about making sure I'm comfortable. Unfortunately his sleeping accommodations aren't great - gotta love the padded bench. Wi Fi is working great and I'm letting Brian man the remote so we're settled in for the long hall. Will update the blog in the morning if things aren't too crazy.
Keeping the news off facebook for now so we don't get a million "is he here yet?" questions. Have a feeling tomorrow we'll be pretty busy trying to have a baby so won't be answering phone calls or texts, but would really appreciate your thoughts and prayers! Assume no news is good news, but promise we'll let you know when he finally arrives.
Way more details than ya'll probably want but I've got nothing but time right now so you get the full scoop ;) Sorry for all the typos/grammer errors - thinking the drugs I'm about to get won't make me a very good proofreader.
Thanks for all the love!
you look super cute! be a rockstar!
ReplyDeleteKyle, I've been following your blog since it started and these past couple of weeks have been checking for updates every single day :-) You're my most-visited blog right now! Good luck with the labor and I can't wait to see pictures of your adorable little guy! An early congratulations to you and Brian!