The first few boxes took a while to get started but once we got cranking we got almost the entire kitchen packed up in about 5 hours today. Trying to label all the contents to make unpacking easier.
The condo is officially a disaster zone and will be until we have everything out and clean for the buyer's final walk through. Living in a 1 bedroom condo for 5.5 years forces you to be a minimalist. By nature I'm the opposite of a pack rat, can't stand clutter, and am anti knick-knack, BUT I was amazed at how much stuff we found hidden in the back of the cabinets that we completely forgot about!
Luckily our entire kitchen fit into the back of the MDX - felt good to get one load out. So it's probably about time I answer the question that you may be wondering and that many of you have asked. Where are we moving????????
Next (TEMPORARY) Stop: Burnsville, MN
So I'm still trying to get my arms around moving back in with my parents at 28 which is why I haven't responded until now. Is about the last thing I had in my life plan. Oh wait - moving back in with a husband, baby, and dog... that definitely wasn't in the plan! I can't complain because quite honestly God's plan and my plan have lined up pretty well thus far - get a great education, marry an amazing guy, land a good job, buy a place, have a healthy baby - WOW - I am so blessed to be able to check all of these boxes! So we're working hard to take this housing market detour in stride as it's minor in the grand scheme of things.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and
lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight.
~Proverbs 3, 5-6
Like so many others, we bought at the peak of the market in 05 and sold at the bottom. Life will go on. It took a 18 months of aggressive savings but we're proud we'll be able to cover the gap ourselves rather than shortsale/foreclosure. Let's just say the next time we have to write out a check this big it better be for a fricken luxury car, not for someone to buy OUR house! We had to wipe out our savings and downpament fund for our next house to do so. While we could have scrambled to find a rental in time, when my parents so generously offered to let us crash for a little while, we ran the numbers and can save for the house downpayment we'll need in 1/2 the time if stay in Burnsville through Spring. Being the financially minded practical guy he is, Brian was in without hesitation but it took quite the sales pitch from him and lots of wine to talk me down from my fiercely independent "let's rent" tree. Writing this is actually therapeutic - I'm feeling almost over it. On to our next adventure!
A huge thank you to my parents in advance for opening their beautiful home to us and welcoming us with open arms. ROCKSTARS! We so appreciate their support and will try to be good house guests for the next three months. As summer approaches we should have a decent idea if we're close to buying or if we'll lease a rental for 6 - 12 months until we find the perfect place. We'll be taking over the former "Kids Wing" of the house upstairs - perhaps we'll need to get a sign for the new Woods Wing of the Davis estate :) We won't know what to do with oursevles with all of this space! Ethan will get his very own nursery - the blue room - aka Aunt Katie's room. We'll be back in my childhood bedroom - the green room. I have to say I'm pretty excited to have my own closet again as Brian will be sharing Ethan's!
Hopefully we won't need to, but we can spillover to Uncle Trent's room and the basement rec room downstairs as well. We were planning on renting a self-storage unit for all our stuff but after organizing and rearranging the storage rooms in their basement we might be able to squeak by without it since the buyer is keeping 75% of our furniture. Will haul another couple car loads today and then get our remaining furniture out next weekend.
Ethan is clearly comfortable with his new roomies as he has no problem lounging by the fireplace naked with them around :)
So if by some miracle you are actually still reading my ramblings, thank you! Your support means the world to us. Despite my new found blogging hobby I am a fairly private person when it comes to personal matters and often find myself censoring my posts which kind of defeats the purpose of blogging in general. So since I can't sleep and it's 4am you got the full scoop. Will keep you posted - there are bound to be some entertaining stories that come out of the next few months. Here we go!
I love that verse...and it is so true God has a perfect plan in mind for you and Brian...Thanks for sharing...Take care and happy moving. I know it is a lot of work but will all be worth it in the end :-)