Thursday, September 23, 2010

Northern Bound...

It only took 5 hours but I have my baby, dog, husband, and myself packed for our weekend getaway plus the condo ready for showings in case they get scheduled while we're out of town. We're leaving bright and early for our mini vacay in Grand Marais with the Davis fam. Hope the condo at East Bay Suites can handle all of us - the dog and baby add a whole new dimension to our concept of a vacation - this should be interesting to say the least. Not sure what Internet will be like up there so you might not hear from me for a few days... weird I know ;)

Might be the first day since E was born that I didn't get a picture of him. Tonight was dinner club with the ladies. I'm so ridiculously proud of my parallel parking job that I took a picture of it on my phone so that's what you get to look at tonight ;) The men are probably rolling their eyes thinking this was a generous size spot to get into, however, I have not parallel parked since my drivers test when I was 16. I like to drive into my spots, and need at least 3 car lengths to feel comfortable pulling in, so this was quite the accomplishment for me!

1 comment:

  1. Have a fun trip! Good thing you didn't have to park a car by the CHI O house in college, i became a master at parallel parking We had the challenge of a huge curve and we were lucky if there were 12" between bumpers:)
