We're 2 weeks behind on this but now that we're finally unpacked and settled in a little bit we're catching up. E sure had fun during these - I think it's safe to say he noticed Mr. Bear this time! We're loving watching his personality develop - he is such a joy and full of smiles - we feel so lucky to have this little man in our lives!
Here is what he is up to at 8 months old:
*Takes 4 six ounce bottles a day
*Eating 2-3 "meals" a day. So far he has tackled rice cereal, oatmeal, peas, green beans, carrots, sweat potatoes, squash, bananas, apples, pears, and peaches. He eats like a champ and as soon as we finish off our supply of the above we'll move on to the 2nd level of baby food.
*Have tried placing puffs, yogurt drops, and cheerios on his highchair tray but he has zero interest in them and when they do end up in his mouth he gags and spits them out
*No teeth yet but lots of drool that leaves a rash on his chin
*Usually sleeps from 9pm to 7:30am. Naps are still all over the board and he doesn't sleep much at daycare so he usually crashes on the ride home.
*He is very steady sitting up now but hasn't pulled himself up into sitting position yet
*He can spin himself around 360 degrees, roll around to get a toy, back scoots a little bit, and belly surfs but when we prop him up on his hands and knees he looks at us like we're crazy and lays himself back down. Getting close to crawling alert but not quite there!
*He babbles and squeals all the time now which we love. He does a consistent "bababa" but no mama or dada yet.
*This week he discovered that if he pats his hand on his mouth while he "talks" it changes the sound so he has been our little Indian and loves it when we use our hands to do the same. It's so cute - I'll try and get it on video.
*He is starting to turn into a little mama's boy and cries if I walk out of sight. Luckily stranger anxiety hasn't set in yet so he is happy to hang out with anyone who will play with him.
*He has outgrown most of his 9M outfits, and 12M is even getting snug in several brands. Excited to pick up some new clothes for Spring!
*He weighed in at 18lbs yesterday and still has his baby blues - yay!
Oh Kyle-what a gorgeous little guy you and Brian have on your hands. I hate that I haven't had the joy of meeting Mr. Ethan yet but I'm hoping he'll make an appearance at Meghan's wedding in july! In the meantime, love looking at photos!