The Stats
Weight: 16 lbs 6.5 oz (35%)
Length: 26" (40%)
Head: 17.5" (70%)
We have a happy and healthy 6 month old on our hands. He checked out perfectly and Dr. Blomberg said she is really happy with his growth and development. She could feel his bottom teeth through his gums and said they could cut through any day now. We talked mostly about starting solids and are excited to start on rice cereal tomorrow - of course there will be lots of pics taken of this momentous occasion! She also gave us an EpiPen in case of a severe allergic reaction to fruit/veggies like I have. It will be nice to have for peace of mind but hopefully we'll never have to use it. He was cooing and flirting like crazy with the nurses - already a little ladies man. The doctor said she was impressed with how social he is so I guess daycare has its benefits and lets be honest - Brian's child probably won't be a wallflower ;)
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