Our big outing of the day was a trip to the hopsital for our follow up appointment with the lacation consultant and Ethan's big weigh in. Mr. Man is up to a whopping 7 pounds 13.5 ounces! Such a relief that he is back up and over his birth weight - we've worked so hard these last 2 weeks to get here. He is definetly chubbing up - loving his little fat rolls and he now has at least 2 chins and a little budda belly;)
We're going to continue with the same feeding plan for one more week. Ethan got 1.5 ounces in 20 minutes during our weight transfer nursing test. Same as last week so while he latches well his nursing hasn't gotten any more efficient/aggressive :( Apparantly they have different labels and on one end of the spectrum is the barracuda style eater and on the other is the gourmet nibbler, so looks like we have ourselves a refined snacker. The good news is that I have no shortage of supply - just call me a milk machine. Storing at least an extra bottle a day. So one more week of pumping/bottle feeding 8 times a day and nursing 3 times a day and late next week I'll go back in and we'll make the decision if we should switch to exlusively pumping. Regardless he is getting the good stuff so thats all that matters.
I was feeling especially brave so Ethan and I ventured into Target for our first solo shopping trip. Put his carseat in the cart basket which worked well but didn't leave much room for all the stuff I needed to get. He woke up in the Diaper aisle and quickly went into fussy mode so it was my first test handling a crying baby in public. Ended up having to take him out of this carseat and hold him in one arm and push the cart in the other. Successful trip but exhausting - we both needed a nap to recover.
We headed out for our first walk with the stroller after dinner and took Bella to the dog park. It was a beautiful evening and it made for a happy baby and puppy.
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